This was the first year that Addi really understood Christmas and anticipated it. On the eve of Christmas Eve, we made sugar cookies for Santa, a new Christmas tradition. The final product.Von's first Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve we went to Ian's parents house for dinner. His mom told the story of our Savior's birth as we celebrate the real meaning of Christmas.Santa brought Addi a race car track and a marble track. She had little interest in any of her other presents she had left to open. After we opened gifts at our house and had breakfast, we went over to Ian's parent's house to spend the rest of the day.
You're kids are sooo cute! I can't wait to meet the little guy :)
He is perfect! Like a teeny little good lookin' man! (as if there were any doubt he'd be amazingly beautiful!) Congrats again and way to post pics!
Your family of 4 is so dang cute! THose cookies & gifts are too much fun. Could your kiddos be ANY cuter?
Adorable! I love that Addi got a race track for x-mas! Was that Ian's idea?
Those are some cute christmas jammies.
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