Von turned six months old today. We went for his check up and he is officially a big boy! He was 19 pounds 3 ounces and in the 75th percentile for weight and was 28.5 inches long and in the 95th percentile for height! He started swim lessons this week, pictures to come, and is still our happy boy!
His hair still looks dark there! So cute! What the swim lessons? I gotta see this. Take video if you can...that is soo cool.
really lovely photos!
Your kids look like baby magazine models. So cute.
I still canNOT believe how much hair he has! It's pretty crazy! He can donate some to my little bald dude! He's adorable...they both are!
I love those kids!!!! Can I come over right now... wake up Von and squeeze those cheeks?!?!?
Time certainly does fly! I love these pictures.
I love them so much!
The last picture is my fav of Von frowning. love it.
cutest pictures! love them. your kids are so awesome, by the way.
those photos are beautiful-you have adorable children and i know your mom is so proud of them!
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