Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Addi's First Christmas Program

Addi had her first preschool Christmas program on the 16th.  She was a ham.  She was the only kid that had to be physically prompted by the principal to settle down.  To view the video of it, click here  It is pretty funny.  
This pretty much sums up Addi's performance.
Addi and her teacher Ms. Lauri.  The other day I was driving her to school and I asked her if she ever gets in trouble at school.  She said, "no."  I asked her, "So, you listen to your teacher?"  To which she replied, "Of course, Mom.  I love Miss Lauri."  To which I asked, "Do you love me?"  She responded with a 14 year old sounding, "Ma-om," (insert teenage inflection here).

1 comment:

Shandra and Christian said...

That picture of her is awesome. I love that little girl.