Here is Ian hard at work.
Our main course was Chicken Roulade with Spinach, Julienne Carrots and Black Forest Bacon with a Mushroom Marsala Sauce. Here is the aftermath, it was obviously pretty good.
Dessert was by far my favorite. We made a Tahitian Vanilla Creme Brule with Strawberries and Chocolate. It was amazing, and who knew it was so easy to make Creme Brule. There is just four ingredients, creme, sugar, eggs and vanilla. That's it. I also got to experience for the first time using a torch on my food. That was fun. I might just have to go to Home Depot and buy myself a torch.
We scraped the bowls, it was so good. I will definitely be trying this again at home.
Thanks Ian for a great night and thinking out of the box on this one! Tspoons offers a variety of cooking classes, so if anyone wants to do another with me I would love to do it again. Next on my list is an appetizer or dessert class, hopefully in the near future I will make it back!
Happy Belated Birthday, Alisa. You two make awesome chefs in the kitchen! Yummy.
What a fun night! Could you imagine if Addi got a hold of your torch? That wouldn't be good.
Haws and I did this last year at a place called PREP. It was so much fun! You guys look liked you made some fun stuff. Haws would have loved to make Creme Brule. We have a torch... maybe you can show us how to use it :)
Ian looks pretty good in that apron... maybe he should wear one more often!
How fun! Everything looked delicious.
That sounds like an awesome birthday gift. This year CJ got me some wack yoga classes I would of preferred cooking classes for sure & especially couple cooking classes. How fun. The food looked delicious & you even got to wear fancy aprons. Very cool.
Way to go Ian! I bet you were totally surprised. awesome. I have an ENTIRE creme brulee set including the torch and tartlette dishes that you can have next time you come over. Dan bought it when we first got married b/c he loves creme brulee and it has NEVER been opened. It's yours ... but we'll have to be stealth.
I knew creme brule was that easy! It's soooo good too! I'm totally jealous I would have loved to do somthing like that. Maybe if we ever make it there we can go. Love you guys!
Please bring the recipes!!!
we created a blog with our clips, ck them out.
Thanks for your help.
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