We went to the cabin this weekend with Jaime, Dan and Luke. I was sick the entire time, but we still managed to have a good time. He ate a lot, watched movies, the boys played video games and we also managed in naps. It was great. We only left the house to walk down to the park. Dan and Ian had water balloon fights with the kids everyday. They loved it. Here is Addi and Choobie patiently waiting for the balloons to be filled up.

I love this picture of Addi mid-air. She was so excited.

Addi refusing to pose for me.

Bubba is such a trooper. We drag him everywhere and he is happy as a clam.

Addi took this picture of Luke. Good, right? They have so much fun together, luckily for us.

Running from balloons Ian was dropping from the deck.
Oh my goodness, your kids are GORGEOUS!
We all think (my mom, Chels, and I) that Addie needs to marry Luke. He's a doll.
By the way, that plaid top of Addi's is SO CUTE! She's always stylin.
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