Monday, October 12, 2009

Just Dance

Addi has been taking a dance class through the city this last month. It makes for busy Fridays for us with school and swim already scheduled on that day, but it is well worth it. She is such an active kid, she can never be too busy.Poor Von in the background. He had another flare up of pink eye that day and wasn't doing so well. Notice that Addi is the only kid at the mirror. We are still working on following directions. I have lost my camera somewhere in my house, so these were taken on my phone. The last time I saw my camera, it was in Addi's little hands. I have looked everywhere, dumped out all of her baskets of toys, searched high and low. It is no where to be found. Luckily, I had almost all of the pictures uploaded.


Shandra and Christian said...

That tutu!!! I love it. Addi was born to dance.

Diana said...

Yes please find your camera. Addi is TU TU cute. Also how old was Addi again when you put her in swimming lessons? Vanessa turns 2 in March I was thinking of putting her in than. But I can't remember if you said that was too ealy or not.

pants32 said...

Aw, what a cute little dancer! If it makes you feel any better... my kids don't follow directions well, either.

The Englanders said...

Seriously...why is she so frickin' cute!!?