Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Addi has been doing so well at swim lately, I wanted to document it. She is now doing the backstroke and working on her side breathing.
She no longer has a fear of swimming without goggles. You have no idea what a struggle it was to get her to swim without goggles. She cried for 3 entire lessons. Now she doesn't even want them and is opening her eyes under water.
She is able to get herself out of the pool without any help.
And she dives for rings!
We love her instructor Scott. He has been with her for almost a year and a half now. Before Christmas break, Von was doing his lessons with no tears, but it seems like now we are back to square one and he has been sick, so he has missed his last couple of lessons. But we will carry on...


megan&steve said...

Everything looks great over there in California! Keeping busy and having fun! Good work on catching those funny faces from the kiddos.

jayna said...

That is really awesome- good skills for CA babies!

Diana said...

So cool & so needed. The evans' just had a pool scare recently. Everything is ok, but i was a scare. I now hate pools.

kori said...

love her

Shandra and Christian said...

Great job Addi!